Fall 2020: Stanford CS145 Data Management and Data Systems.
Attention Augmentation of BiDAF on SQuAD 2.0
Built a QA system that gives accurate answers for reading comprehension tasks on the SQuAD 2.0 dataset.
On top of the BiDAF baseline model we experimented with the combinations of character embeddings, self-attention mechanisms,
self-attention, CNN encoder blocks and coattention mechanisms to improve the F1 and EM performance of the model. [Report]
FoodPreplt Food Recipe Search Engine
Programmed a food recipe search engine that supports filtering by calorie limit, dietary restriction, food preparation time, excludedingredients and ingredient costs.
Backend: Python and Django REST framework. Frontend: React.
I run the social media platforms for ACSSS (Association of Chinese Students and Scholars at Stanford).
My recent hobbies: skiing, tennis, golf, dancing (Jazz, kpop).