Ruinan (Nancy) Wang

Computer Science Masters student at Stanford University
nancyrnw [at] stanford [dot] edu

I am a Masters Student at the Stanford Computer Science Department. I am part of the Stanford Intelligent and Interactive Autonomous Systems Group (ILIAD), advised by Dorsa Sadigh. My current interests are in the robotics, including imitation learning and learning from imperfect demonstrations.


Teaching Assistantships


Attention Augmentation of BiDAF on SQuAD 2.0
Built a QA system that gives accurate answers for reading comprehension tasks on the SQuAD 2.0 dataset. On top of the BiDAF baseline model we experimented with the combinations of character embeddings, self-attention mechanisms, self-attention, CNN encoder blocks and coattention mechanisms to improve the F1 and EM performance of the model. [Report]

FoodPreplt Food Recipe Search Engine
Programmed a food recipe search engine that supports filtering by calorie limit, dietary restriction, food preparation time, excludedingredients and ingredient costs.
Backend: Python and Django REST framework. Frontend: React.


  • I run the social media platforms for ACSSS (Association of Chinese Students and Scholars at Stanford).

  • My recent hobbies: skiing, tennis, golf, dancing (Jazz, kpop).